Friday, December 27, 2019

Diferencias entre asilo político y refugiado

Los casos de refugiados y de asilados polà ­ticos tienen las mismas causas,sin embargo, la tramitacià ³n del reconocimiento de ambos estatus es muy diferente, por lo que es importante distinguirlas. En la actualidad, mà ¡s latinoamericanos obtienen la aprobacià ³n de estatus de asilado que de refugiado. El Salvador es el à ºnico paà ­s de la regià ³n cuyos nacionales sacan ambos estatus –asilado y refugiado– en nà ºmeros relevantes. Quià ©nes pueden solicitar ser refugiado o pedir asilo polà ­tico en EE.UU. Parte de la confusià ³n entre estos dos estatus nace del hecho de que tanto con el asilo como con la figura del refugiado se protege a la misma clase de personas. Es decir, a los personas que no pueden o no quieren regresar a su paà ­s de origen porque han sido perseguidas o tienen razones fundadas de llegar a serlo por cualquiera de las razones siguientes: RazaReligià ³nNacionalidadMembresà ­a de un grupo social (como por ejemplo gays, lesbianas o transexuales)Opinià ³n polà ­ticaPor haber sido obligados a ser esterilizados o a abortar. O sufrir persecucià ³n por haberse negado. Diferencias en pedir asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado Una de las principales es el lugar en el que se encuentra la persona que sufre persecucià ³n. Para solicitar el estatus de refugiado es obligatorio encontrarse fuera de Estados Unidos. Ademà ¡s, el solicitante estar fuera de su paà ­s. A este à ºltimo requisito hay excepciones muy limitadas y establecidas expresamente por el Presidente de Estados Unidos. En la actualidad sà ³lo pueden solicitar el estatus de refugiado desde dentro de su propio paà ­s los cubanos, los ciudadanos de paà ­ses que formaron parte de la Unià ³n Sovià ©tica e Irak. Son circunstancias muy excepcionales y en inglà ©s son denominadas in-country processing. Los candidatos al estatus de refugiado son procesados en una primera fase por uno de los 9 Centros de Apoyo a la Reubicacià ³n (RSC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), que tiene Estados Unidos en diferentes puntos del planeta. La mayorà ­a de ellos han llegado a un RSC porque han sido remitidos por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados, una Embajada de los Estados Unidos o una organizacià ³n no gubernamental. Otros llegan porque forman parte de un grupo calificado de especial preocupacià ³n humanitaria y, finalmente, los casos de reunificacià ³n familiar. Cuando toda la informacià ³n es recabada sobre el candidato, la misma se envà ­a al USCIS a Estados Unidos, que es quien debe aprobar la solicitud. El à ºltimo paso corre a cargo de una agencia de reubicacià ³n en EE.UU. que serà ¡ la encargada de apoyar al refugiado cuando se le autorice a viajar. Por el contrario, el asilo se solicita o bien en un puerto de entrada nada mà ¡s llegar (aeropuerto, puerto marà ­timo o frontera terrestre) ante un oficial de inmigracià ³n,(CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), o bien ya una vez dentro de Estados Unidos. En este à ºltimo caso la peticià ³n debe presentarse dentro del aà ±o siguiente a haber llegado al paà ­s. A esta regla de los 365 dà ­as se admiten excepciones muy raramente cuando las circunstancias en el paà ­s de origen cambian dramà ¡ticamente. Cabe destacar que algunos migrantes presentes en EE.UU. con TPS podrà ­an calificar para solicitar asilo porque en el caso de esta proteccià ³n especial el calendario de 1 aà ±o se considera congelado en la fecha en la que se le aprobà ³ el TPS por primera vez.  ¿Cuà ¡ntos refugiados y asilados admite EE.UU.? En el aà ±o fiscal 2018, EE.UU. admitià ³ un total de 22.491 refugiados. Los 10 paà ­ses con mayor nà ºmero de refugiados fueron: Congo (8.883)Myanmar (3.555)Ucrania (2,635)Butà ¡n (2,228)Eritrea (1,269)Afganistà ¡n (805)El Salvador (739)Paquistà ¡n (441)Rusia (437)Etiopà ­a (376) Para el aà ±o fiscal 2019 el presidente Donald Trump ha fijado en 30.000 el nà ºmero mà ¡ximo de refugiados que pueden ingresar al paà ­s. Los à ºltimos datos disponibles sobre asilo son el aà ±o fiscal 2016, segà ºn los cuales se aprobaron 20.458 estatus de asilo polà ­tico de los que 11.729 fueron asilos afirmativos, es decir, solicitudes aprobadas por USCIS. En 8.726 casos fueron asilos defensivos, es decir, aprobados por las cortes de inmigracià ³n o el Tribunal de Apelaciones migratorias (BIA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Los paà ­ses con mayor nà ºmero de casos aprobados fueron: China: 4.500El Salvador: 2.148Guatemala: 1.943Honduras: 1.513Mà ©xico: 920 En la actualidad hay mà ¡s de 733.000 solicitudes de asilo pendientes, estimà ¡ndose en 721 dà ­as la media de espera para la vista (hearing, en inglà ©s). Informacià ³n para los trà ¡mites de asilo En los casos de asilo se estima que los solicitantes pierden en el 90 por ciento de las veces en las que no està ¡n representados por un abogado. Por lo tanto, es extremadamente importante contar con uno con experiencia y buena reputacià ³n. La AILA es la organizacià ³n de EE.UU. sobre abogados migratorios y en su base de datos se pueden encontrar letrados por lugar y por tipo de especialidad migratoria. Ademà ¡s, numerosas organizaciones de apoyo a migrantes brindan ayuda o referencia a buenos abogados. Se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre asilo para familiarizarse sobre los puntos principales de este estatus. Puntos Clave: diferencias entre asilo polà ­tico y condicià ³n de refugiado Causas de asilo y condicià ³n de refugiado: haber sido perseguido o tener razones fundadas de que si el solicitante regresa a su paà ­s serà ¡ perseguido por su raza, opinià ³n polà ­tica, religià ³n, pertenencia a un grupo social o nacionalidad o por razones de esterilizacià ³n o aborto forzado. ¿Dà ³nde se pide la condicià ³n de refugiado?: fuera de EE.UU. El trà ¡mite lo inicia un RSC, en la mayorà ­a de los casos el solicitante ha sido remitido por el Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados. ¿Dà ³nde se solicita asilo polà ­tico?: en la frontera de EE.UU. o en el interior del paà ­s, dentro del plazo de un aà ±o a contar desde el dà ­a del ingreso, salvo circunstancias especiales.Nà ºmero de refugiados admitido por EE.UU. en 2018: 22.491. Para el 2019 el presidente Trump ha establecido una cifra mà ¡xima de 30.000Nà ºmero de asilos aprobados: 20.455 (segà ºn à ºltimos datos publicados oficialmente, que son del aà ±o fiscal 2016) Este artà ­culo es informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Jean Jacques Rousseau s Theory Of Liberty And Freedom

When Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote his Social Contract, the idea of liberty and freedom were not new theories. Many political thinkers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes had already evolved with their own clarification of liberty and freedom of mankind, and in fact John Locke had already publicized his views and ideas on the social contract as well. In Rousseau’s case, what he did was to transform the ideas incorporated by such substantial words, and present us to another method to the social contract dilemma. What would bring man to leave the state of nature, and enter into a structured civil society? Liberals believes that this was the assurance of protection - liberty to them implied being free from destruction and harm towards one’s property. Rousseau’s concept of freedom was entirely different from that of traditional liberals. According to Rousseau, liberty is meant to voice out your opinion, and participation as human being. â€Å"To renounce liberty is t o renounce being a man† (Wootton, 454). Rousseau believed that to uplift ourselves out of the state of nature, man must partake in the course of being the sovereign that provided the protection. The contrast between Rousseau’s concepts and those of the liberals of his time, originated with different understandings and interpretations of the state of nature. Classical liberal thinkers like Thomas Hobbes defined the state of nature as an unsafe place, where the threat of harm to one’s property was always an existent. HeShow MoreRelatedJean Jacques Rousseau And The Declaration Of Independence Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesJean-Jacques Rousseau was an Enlightenment thinker during the eighteenth century and is most noted for his work The Social Contract. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

An Arab Soldier in the Ottoman Army for Polymorphism-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAn Arab Soldier in the Ottoman Army for Polymorphism. Answer: I chose the document that discusses an Arab soldier and his life experiences on his journey as a part of the Ottoman army. Hasan al-Turjman was born in the year 1893 and died in the year 1917. He was recruited as a soldier in the Ottoman army. As a soldier, he had many experiences, dreams, aspirations, opinions about the occurrences in that era, and contentions towards the government in operation at the time. He compiled all his thoughts, dreams, ideas, experiences, aspirations and allegations in his diary, which was edited by Salim Tamari and printed out and distributed in The Year of the Locust. This paper is an illustration of the kind of life that Hasan led as a soldier and the relevance of those life experiences in the Middle East today. Document Details The purpose of this document is to teach readers life lessons. Its main lesson is based on how much life can tend to differ contrary to our expectation, and how one can cope with the situation. The document tries to show that even though there can be unhappy moments in life, it is not always the same and one should seek for the small things that make them happy, however small or unidentifiable by others .The purpose of the document is to depict the kind of life that one lived as a soldier in the Ottoman army in the 1900s. In the events recorded in the document, Hasan is portrayed as dreamer full of hope. One, he hopes that he will not die of the spreading disease named Typhus, which was spreading all over Jerusalem. The document was written by Salim Tamari in September 2011, a Sociology Professor at Birzeit University, Palestine, and the Director of the Institute of Jerusalem Studies. It was published by University of California Press. It was written to depict the life of a soldier i n the 1900s. The edited diary is a treasure to the Palestinian history and culture as it records the passing of the Ottoman State and contains in-depth observational facts relating to the triumph of Cemal Pasha as a leader, the severity of the invasion of locusts and the famine that comes after. Love Firstly, Hasan talks about his beloved who goes by the name Sharikat Hayati. They spot each other from afar on one Wednesday afternoon, but she ignores him. Hasan expresses his love for and how different she is from other women that he has met (Hasan and Al-Turjman 33). He talks about his fear of losing her to someone else and how much he wants to spend the rest of his life with her, which shows how deeply he is in love with her (Tama?ri? 23). Patriotism In the document, the author shows Hasans view of his country and originality. Hasan talks of Ottoman as his name and the world as his country, on 10th September 1915. These words provide us with a clear vision of a soldiers perception from a fortified city. Turjman's diary relates with genuineness and contemptuous views on his experience as a representative in the Ottoman government. As Salim Tamari writes in the introduction to the journal, Turjman's diary contains a lot of discernment on day to day life in Jerusalem in 1915 and 1916. The reactions of the poor modern artisans to hardship, and the calamities that came with the locusts attacks and the armed force seizure (Hayes). The statement in Turjmans diary shows us the importance of knowing our place in the society and being concerned with the ongoing politics around us because when fails to involve himself in politics and take a stand, politics will control them. Hasans contention towards the Ottoman Government convinces us that we should be patriotic to our country. These actions provided others with the promise of freedom. Locust Attacks Turjman also talks about the invasion of locusts on the Ottoman land which a caused famine. As evidenced in the texts, Turjmans family lacks bread for almost a whole week, and yet Ottoman is the supplier of wheat to other countries. He records the experience on a Monday, 17th of December 1915. He also pointed out that his family was living on handouts the whole time and in spite of help from friends they would have died of hunger. Hasan records it to show how bad the economy was at the time. It shows how the economy of Ottoman deteriorated due to bad governance. Also, the issue is convincing about the fact that people cannot survive without friends that care about them dearly enough, that they would run to their rescue when a need arises. During those times, the locust attack and the famine played the role of a lesson learned. During that time at least people learned how to support each other through thick and thin. During the famine, Turjmans family got to pick their real friends. Cemal Pasha Turjman is likewise tremendously disappointed with Cemal Pasha, whom he much of the time censures in his journal. It is apparent, as point by point in Eugene Rogan's history of the First World War from the Ottoman viewpoint, The Fall of the Ottomans. Rogan paints Cemal as a malicious tyrant authoritarian, coercing a "solidified rule of horror that would additionally undermine Ottoman regulation in the Arab provinces (Tama?ri?).Turjman apparently makes a relative point about Cemal Pasha and his effect on the eventual fate of the Ottomans, mockingly praising him in his record, asserting, "Cemal Pasha as the extraordinary pioneer, the savior of Egypt, in other words, the pioneer toward the void of defeat lost his mind. Another diary section, titled, "The Insolence of Cemal Pasha," from May 1915 has Turjman describing when he saw the general effort by his commissariat (Appasani). Turjman is dismayed at the nerve of Pasha to drive around with a chest "full of golden awards," a sight that influences him to declare, "What audacity! He asks himself over and over if Pasha feels any shame for the things that he has done and the defeat he steered the people into (Hazkani).Turjman recorded his contentions towards Pasha on account of the Attack on Egypt which was postponed by him due to military unpreparedness. Also, he says that many of his achievements are not merited and lack credibility (Malden, Douglas, and Hatch). Being a dictator, he causes Ottoman to fall into defeat. Turjman recorded these opinions on 25th of October, 1915 (Culp). The importance of this account is that one was able to understand the implications of an authoritarian leader through the behaviors of Pasha, who in turn led the country to defeat (Engdahl and (Firm)). Ideally, there re better methods of leadership that could drive a nation to greater achievements. The best leaders are hardly those who issue their final decisions based on their interests but rather those who are considerate of the diverse views of the citizens.It convinces people that during a national election in countries that practice democracy, the people should not elect leaders who are authoritative because they are not productive in the long run. According to my thinking, I would say that the document should be read in a sitting because it involves someone in deep thinking. The document makes a person analyze and evaluate situations that move a person out of their comfort zone take a person to the 1900s. The events in the story are in chronological order, and each sparks the occurrence of the other. It is necessary to create a correlation between the political and the socio-economic affairs in a country. Both the politics and the economy of a state are inseparable, and therefore a political crisis will translate to an economic downfall. This would be a precise lesson in the 21st century to train states on the relevance of political harmony. In conclusion, Hasan Turjman is a great legend because he recorded events that could not have been accounted better by any other person. He recorded the events one by one, the way they happened in detail. He covered themes such as; love, where the document tells of Turjmans wife to be, leadership where we see Turjamn showing contempt for dictatorship, famine (locust attacks, destruction of biodiversity and politics. Works Cited Appasani, Krishnarao. Genome-wide association studies : from polymorphism to personalized medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Culp, Barbara D. Vintage knowledge for principals : keys to enrich, encourage, and empower school leaders and empowering today's principals. Lanham : Rowman Littlefield, 2016. Engdahl, Sylvia and Thomson Gale (Firm). Patriotism. Detroit, Mich: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Francis Turjman Affiliation: Department of Interventional Neuroradiology, Ho?pital Neurologique Pierre Wertheimer, Hospices Civils de Lyon, 59 Bd Pinel, Bron, 69677, France, +33 4 72 68 12 63 and Clairv Olivier Levrier Affiliation: Department of Radiology. EVIDENCE Trial: design of a phase 2, randomized, controlled, multicenter study comparing flow diversion and traditional endovascular strategy in unruptured saccular wide-necked intracranial aneurysms. A Journal Dedicated to Neuroimaging and Interventional Neuroradiology, 2015. Hasan, M Z and F Al-Turjman. Optimizing Multipath Routing With Guaranteed Fault Tolerance in Internet of Things. New York, NY: IEEE Sensors Council, 2017. Hasan, M Z, F Al-Turjman and H Al-Rizzo. Optimized Multi-Constrained Quality-of-Service... by M Z Hasan . New York: IEEE Sensors Council, 2017. Hayes, Terry. The Year of the Locust. Atria/Emily Bestler Books, 2017. Hazkani, Shay. khinson889, n.d. Kennedy, Hugh. Caliphate : the history of an idea. New Yok: New York : Basic Books, 2016. Malden, Karl, et al. The streets of San Francisco. The complete series. Hollywood, California: Paramount Pictures, 2017. Tama?ri?, Sali?m. Year of the locust : a soldier's diary and the erasure of Palestine's Ottoman past. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011. Varney, Helen and Joyce Beebe Thompson. A history of midwifery in the United States : the midwife said fear not. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC, 2016.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Karen Ann Quinlan free essay sample

Soon, a very private Quinlans found themselves at the center of public court case that drew national attention. Superior Court rejected their initial petition for getting Karen off life support. However, they persisted and presented their case to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Finally, on March 31, 1976, Joe Quinlan was appointed as the personal guardian of his daughter Karen, and was given the right to discontinue her life support. After long negotiations between Quinlans family and hospital staff, Karen Ann was taken off the life support. To everyone’s surprise, she continued breathing on her own. Karen Ann was relocated to Morris View Nursing Home in June 1976 where she lived for another nine years before dying on June 11, 1985 from pneumonia. Julia Quinlan recalled how hard it was for her to watch her daughter slowly die for 10 years. The case of Karen Ann Quinlan became extremely public. During time of her coma, there was a movie made and a few books written. We will write a custom essay sample on Karen Ann Quinlan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Karen Ann became a â€Å"Right-to-die heroine†, and was more of a symbol than a substance. Karen Ann Quinlan’s case changed the way many people looked at life and death and what is considered a livable life and dignified death. 1 â€Å"Living wills† concept or advanced derivative started after that case. The ruling that was made by New Jersey Supreme Court led to the requirement for all the healthcare facilities to have ethics committees. Five years after Karen Ann fallen into coma, Quinlans opened the Karen Ann Quinlan hospice in Newton. 3 This hospice helps not only terminally ill patients but also their families in the last 6 months of life.